New business
1st Prize - Klepp Town Hall, Culture House and Church
1st Prize - Klepp Town Hall, Culture House and Church

KOHT in collaboration with L2 and Sweco wins first prize in invited competition for a new town hall, culture house and church at Klepp, Norway.
The projects includes a transformation of the existing town hall from 1973, and two new additions: a new concert hall and a new church. The town hall will be transformed to include a cultural school, library, administration and a youth center. We believe a multi-purpose building like this should be formed as a small village that creates new public spaces in and around it with varied and readable volumes connected by streets, small plazas, gardens and places to meet. A new intimacy, identity and character for Klepp. With subtle interventions the existing town hall is modernized while maintaining its strong characteristic. The interventions creates a more open structure with new entrances, a new library garden and a large atrium that connects the three floors of activity in a generous open space.
Read more about the competition and see all the proposals here.